Effortless Parenting Blog

Outside In Language to Inside Out language Transformtion

After discovering the Inside-Out reality, which states that “Feelings always come from thought in the moment” I had to rethink the language I use with my children and others around me.

The following phrases were no longer true and I could not stand up for them anymore, unless I fell in the illusion innocently, which we all do everyday….

You make me mad.

What you are doing is so annoying.

Because of your bad behaviour I am so angry now.

Dropping pencils on the floor makes me really mad. I used to believe that the sound of dropping pencils made me really mad…..I know I know…..it’s strange

I can go on and on, but I had to replace this language with more wise words or no words at all sometimes, as no one has the ability or powers to make us mad, annoyed or angry although our Ego wants us to believe that. So here are some of the phrases to replace the above. 

I am mad right now, let me go and cool down and come back…..

I am annoyed, but it has nothing to do with you……

I am angry. (My anger is coming from my own thinking)   I still need to correct my child’s behaviour but not from an angry state of mind, so let’s talk about it when my angry thinking has moved on and I am sane again.

As pencil dropping has never or will never cause my feelings, so now I can just ignore it when it happens 100 times a day………..:)

If this is all a bit out there and you don’t agree then book a free Effortless Parenting Session today so we can clear up once and for all where our feelings actually come from